Studying in Sweden is unique, and you will not find an experience like it anywhere else in the world. Swedish educational institutions provide an exciting as well as open environment, with a strong focus on cooperation. This will provide you with valuable skills that you won't find at any other university on the planet. The global job market rewards ambitious, innovative and perceptive team players, and you will be able to show that you are a team player because of the education that you get there. You will also learn techniques for working in a team that you may have never considered had you studied somewhere else that encouraged individuality over teamwork.



8600 Swedish Krona per month

Living Cost

Swedish | English



International Students




Dialing Code

Swedish Krona



Universities and Colleges



6 months - 2 years

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Frequently Asked Questions?

You can expect to pay between 7,500 – 25,500 EUR/year for a Bachelor's or Master's programme. MBAs, for example, can cost as much as 31,000 EUR per year. The following are the tuition fee ranges for popular Swedish university disciplines: 7,500–10,300 EUR per academic year in the social sciences and humanities.

There is no limit to how many you can work part time. A student may also work full-time during the day. The only condition, however, is, the student must spend a minimum of 40 hours a week on his studies.

An IELTS score is required for acceptance into a Swedish university. Swedish universities require all their applicants including international students to have English language skills which count as one of the general requirements for admissions.

Students who have completed their higher education from the Universities in Sweden can apply for the extension of their Residence Permits to find suitable employment. Students can even apply for the same in order to explore the opportunity of starting their own enterprise. The extension is limited to six months and is subject to a few conditions.


Popular Universities in Sweden


Careers and Work Opportunities

Part-time Work Opportunities

The average salary in Sweden for basic jobs in supermarkets, stores, restaurants, and many home service jobs range from 20,000 SEK and 30,000 SEK. In Sweden, the minimum hourly wage is 125 SEK.

Post Study Work VISA

Upon graduation, if you have a job in Sweden which pays a minimum salary of SEK 13,000 per month before taxes, you can apply for a Work Permit in Sweden.

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