LOR Format for students

LOR Samples for Students


When planning to study abroad, there are certain documents that are essential to your application and are instrumental in your selection to your targeted colleges. The LOR which refers to a Letter of Recommendation is one such document. A well-written LOR can help your application stand out from the rest, since it is essentially a document from your employer or professor stating your achievements and contribution to an organization, thus adding credibility to your application. Writing a LOR that effectively communicates your skills is crucial and can seem confusing, here are a few LOR samples for students to give you a better idea of the LOR format.

  1. Understand the Meaning of LOR Samples
  2. Who writes a Letter of Recommendation?
  3. Types of Letter of Recommendation
    1. Academic LOR
    2. Professional LOR
  4. Essential Tips to Keep in Mind While Writing LOR
  5. LOR Samples for Students: Basic Format
  6. LOR Template
  7. LOR Samples
    1. LOR Samples for UG Admission
    2. LOR Sample for MS Program
    3. Professionals LOR Samples
  8. Mistakes to Avoid in LOR
  9. LOR Skills Highlights
  10. LOR Guidelines
  11. How to Select a Good Recommender for LOR?
  12. Key Points to Remember in LOR Formatting
  13. FAQs

Understand the Meaning of LOR Samples

The LOR is a document that allows the concerned university's admission officer to gain a thorough understanding of your qualifications for admission to a certain degree. The major goal of this letter is to help the recommender paint a more positive picture of your past experience, talents, accomplishments, and contribution through the LOR. Any candidate wanting to study abroad, regardless of the degree he or she is pursuing, will need at least three letters of recommendation from the university or college in question. 

Who writes a Letter of Recommendation?

  1. First and foremost, it should be someone with whom you have already collaborated; someone who is familiar with your work and personality.
  2. The second need is that the suggestion come from someone in your senior position. It is not a good idea to ask your peers and juniors for a recommendation letter.
  3. Finally, it must be someone who has been positively touched by your work. Obtaining a reference from someone who is unfamiliar with your work or its impact will not do your application justice.

Candidates who have just graduated might request the letter from their instructors or supervisors. Vendors, bankers, advisors, clients, auditions, and investors can all be approached for a letter by those who operate a business or run a family business. It is critical that you do not request a recommendation letter from a member of your family.

Types of Letter of Recommendation

Academic LOR

An academic LOR is a letter of recommendation from a member of your prior academic institution's faculty. If you're applying for an undergraduate programme, this may be a teacher, school counsellor, or principal from your school; if you're applying for a master's degree at a university abroad, this could be a professor, project guide, or dean from your institution.

Professional LOR

Many institutions and colleges across the world offer MBA programmes with pre-defined work experience requirements. Universities require candidates to submit a professional LOR along with an updated CV or resume when applying for an academic degree overseas. The substance of a professional LOR differs from that of an academic LOR in terms of more particular information on the candidate's performance within the team, understanding of the industry, demeanour, and leadership abilities. It comes from an immediate supervisor, team leader, or manager. LOR samples for students are provided in the blog's latter section to help you better comprehend each of these.

Essential Tips to Keep in Mind While Writing LOR

Unless the institution or college specifies differently, a letter of recommendation is normally a 400-500 word essay. The candidate's talents, abilities, strengths, and flaws are discussed in this letter. One of the most crucial things to remember is that the information you provide must be correct, and you must specify the nature of the organisation and its term. The following are some basic formats to remember while writing your LOR, which are also included in the LOR samples for students:

  1. Most institutions require the LOR to be written on the former institution's or company's official letterhead.
  2. When providing a professional LOR, make certain that the recommender is still employed by the organisation.
  3. You must understand that a LOR is not the same as a SOP because they are two completely separate documents.
  4. A good LOR should demonstrate other points of view and facets of your personality that aren't mentioned in your CV or SOP. As a result, the LOR comes from someone who knows you better, has seen the quality of your work, and is pleased with your efforts and achievements..

LOR Samples for Students: Basic Format

For candidates applying to UG courses, universities often require two or three letters of recommendation from professors and faculty members; however, it is recommended that you choose a recommender who has taught you the topic required for your entrance and course of study. The fundamental LOR format is as follows:

To Whomsoever It May Concern

First Paragraph: Introduction
As shown in LOR, the introductory paragraph discusses the recommender's credentials, including name, title, college or firm name, city, and relationship with the student. In the opening paragraph, the following details are mentioned: How long has the recommender been acquainted with the student? Accurate information regarding the student's work and attributes, among other things, should be used to highlight the student's position.

Second Paragraph: Discuss Major Quality
This paragraph addresses one of the student's most important characteristics, such as research aptitude, academic proficiency, leadership, teamwork, organisational abilities, the capacity to think outside the box, initiative, work ethic, and maturity. You can provide an example to demonstrate these characteristics in the pupil. This is seen as a crucial component of a LOR, as it demonstrates that the student have remarkable qualities.

Third Paragraph: Discuss other Qualities
These should be distinct from the one previously mentioned, stressing a different aspect of the student through claims that support the traits mentioned. With the help of such examples, the admission officer of the relevant university learns about the student's potential and ensures that the recommender is not providing incorrect information. This point is addressed in the LOR samples for students.

Fourth Paragraph: Talk about some more Qualities
You can discuss extracurricular activities or anything related to sports. It can emphasise attributes such as collaboration, energy, and a well-rounded personality.

Fifth Paragraph: The Conclusion
This is, of course, the LOR's final paragraph. It outlines the student's strengths via the recommender's passionate support for their candidacy.


This section of the LOR includes phrases like Best wishes, Best regards, Yours truly or Yours honestly, as well as the Recommender's name, designation, school, city, contact information, and email address.


LOR Template

To assist you more on the topic of how to write a LOR, we have devised the template for you:

To Whom This May Concern

My name is ——- (Recommender Name) and I am obliged to offer my recommendation of —– (Candidate’s full name) to whom I have personally known for —— (number of years or months) at ——- (location).

During the course of my relationship with —- (candidate’s name), I have observed that she/he shows up earlier than asked, is a team player, works hard and carries her/his work in a humble and polite manner. Being a diligent employee, —- (Candidate’s name) best quality is to get the most out of others while maintaining the decorum of the workplace. Hence, without any reservation, I recommend ——- (Candidate’s full name) for this program at ——- (University’s name). 

For any queries, you can contact me at- 

Best, Signature—–
Mobile Number——-

LOR Samples

Different forms of LOR exist based on the course and recommender, however it is critical to pay attention to the document's formatting style and overall sanitation. We've included a few LOR samples for students below to assist you with the application process:

The LOR is a crucial document in the application process that should not be overlooked. As a result, you must establish a good rapport with either your professor or your company in order for them to attest to your dedication and hard work. 

LOR Sample for UG Admissions

LOR Sample for PG Admissions

Mistakes to Avoid in LOR

  1. The first and most important mistake to avoid is copying and submitting a LOR from the internet. It is not only illegal, but it also lowers your chances of being admitted.
  2. A qualified individual should write the LOR. You cannot entrust the writing of a letter to your friends or relatives. It should be written by someone who is familiar with your academic background and achievements, as well as knowing you personally.
  3. Spelling errors will destroy your LOR, so make sure you proofread it before sending it to the authorities.
  4. Make sure you include all essential information in your LOR; failing to do so could result in you being listed as ineligible.
  5. Allow 2-3 weeks for the person to write the LOR, and give your recommender enough time. It's possible that rushing things will damage your LOR.

LOR Skills Highlights

We are mentioning some key skills in case you don’t miss out on your LOR. There are some skills that can be mentioned in your LORs & these skills can make you stand out from the list of other applicants. Remember to use some of these skills & not add all of these in your LOR.

  • Team player & ability to perform task solo.
  • Communication skills
  • Research skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Social skills
  • Co-curricular activities

LOR Guidelines

It is important that you follow the instructed guidelines for LOR & avoid making mistakes. Here are some common guidelines and LOR formats you can follow while writing a LOR.

  1. LOR should not be handwritten.
  2. LOR font should be size 11 & in black color.
  3. Avoid grammatical & spelling errors.
  4. Do not exceed the word limit of 500-600.
  5. Don’t exaggerate the points.
  6. If the university requires 2-3 LOR, make sure they have different content.

How to Select a Good Recommender for LOR?

There are two types of LOR, Academic and professional. Academic LOR requires a LOR from your school or university. While Professional LOR requires a letter from the organization you are working at. Here are recommenders you can consider for LOR:

  1. Research head
  2. Project Guide
  3. Department Head
  4. School teachers
  5. University professor
  6. Reporting Manager

Here are a few things you should know about before selecting a recommender for LOR

  • Select the recommender you have closely worked with or worked under their supervision.
  • Recommenders from the higher posts are valued but they may not know about you personally & your qualities. Instead of choosing someone of a higher post, choose the recommender that knows about you professionally & personally.
  • Choose a recommender that can showcase your qualities & also qualified to write a LOR.
  • Lastly, don’t force anyone to write a LOR for you. Select the recommender that is glad & willing to write a LOR for you.

Key Points to Remember in LOR Formatting

You know about the basic format of LOR, here are some important key points that should be kept in mind:

  • Write your LOR in A4 size paper.
  • LOR should be written in black color & background color should be white.
  • LOR font size should be 11-12
  • One-inch margin from the page should be maintained.


How many LORs does the university require?

Applicants must provide 1-2 letters of recommendation to each university.

What should LOR's word count be?

The LOR should be between 500 and 600 words long.

Why is a letter of recommendation required by a university?

Universities require a LOR in order to learn more about and comprehend the applicants. LOR also allows applicants to present their abilities and talents in the greatest possible light.

Is it beneficial to add a personal touch to LOR?

Yes, by highlighting their personal and professional relationship with the applicant, recommenders can add a personal touch to the LOR.

Is it appropriate to disclose grades or scores in the LOR?

You noted that on the application form and in your CV. Other traits can be mentioned instead of grades or scores.

Is it okay if I ask my college principal to submit a letter of recommendation?

Yes, you can ask your college principal to write a reference letter for you, but he or she may not know you personally. It is preferable to inquire of your college lecturers.

Why does a university require a LOR?

Universities demand a LOR to know & understand better about the applicants. LOR also gives an opportunity to applicants to showcase their skills & talents in the best way possible.

Is it good to give a personal touch in LOR?

Yes, recommenders can give a personal touch to the LOR by describing the personal & professional relationship with the applicant.

Should we mention grades or scores in LOR?

You have already mentioned it on the application form & CV. You can mention other qualities than grades or scores.

Can I ask my college principal to write a LOR?

Yes, you can approach your college principal to write a letter of recommendation but he/she may not have known you personally. It is better to ask your college professors.


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